Saturday, February 26, 2011

First Post :)

I'm so excited to start my own blog. I am an avid blog reader and I have been inspired to create one myself. To explain the name of my blog, I used to have a very short bull cut when I was five and my brothers named me Carl. To this day, my brother and his friends all call me by Carl instead of Laura.

I just finished the quilt top and bottom to my first real quilt the other day. I love how the top turned out, although it is a little smaller than I would like. But I don't really like the bottom. I was lazy and didn't iron the fabric before I sewed it so I may end up picking out the stitches. Also the lengths didn't match up on the bottom, but I'm pretty sure it is bigger than the quilt top anyway. I can't wait until spring break when I will be able to quilt it!

I also picked up some fabric from Hobby Lobby and Joann's today for my next quilt. I'm probably going to do the Rectangle Squared Quilt from Film in the Fridge:

I probably won't start cutting this fabric until I buy the white solid fabric. It's just so beautiful to look at though!

1 comment:

  1. Great post. Yummy fabrics. Cute quilt.

    I wanted to let you know your settings are as a no reply blogger, which is probably a result of using the default settings. Let me know if you need help changing, but I also have screen shots and tips on a page of my blog labeled "giveaways" that will help walk you thru what you need to do to change them.

